To mark the launch of Billie’s newly expanded body care range with a sharp brand POV, “10 Things I Hate About Body Care” re-imagines an iconic film scene to call out the industry’s history of body shaming and unrealistic beauty standards.
- Art/Creative Direction
- Motion Graphics
- Video
- Motion Graphics
- Campaign
A new Billie product spot reprising an infamous scene, with body positivity advocate Jameela Jamil and director Fiona Jane Burgess.
The spot had an overwhelmingly positive reaction, with over 3.7 million views in its first 72 hours of launch
Creative Director Noemie Le Coz, Little Troop Motion Graphics Little Troop Director Fiona Jane Burgess DP Evan Prosofsky Set Design Brielle Hubert Wardrobe Katina Danabassis Music Soundtree Music Production Smuggler
To launch the new range with more of a product focus, Billie worked with director Lana Shah to create a series of benefits-driven spots for their body wash, lotion and deodorant product expansions.
Creative Director Noemie Le Coz, Little Troop Director Lana Shah Jane Burgess DP Zoë Simone-Yi Set Design Hans Maharawal Wardrobe Marissa Baklayan Music Brad Oberhofer Production Fresh Produce
Putting a founder’s back-story on a pedestal, for Billie.
Little Troop helped craft a 30-second TVC spot for Billie’s founding story — with a tongue-in-cheek throwback, highlighting the once-backward state of the razor industry. Working with the small but mighty Billie internal creative team and director Bine Bach, we looked back at the tropes of 80s advertising (think: Franco Cozzo) to help inform the film’s art direction and sense of levity. LT also designed, built and animated the treatment of all GFX and supers, giving the film a cohesive graphic wrapper that felt inherently “Billie”.
The ad was met with an overwhelmingly positive response.
Prop stylist and set designer Alicia Sciberras worked closely with the team to craft every frame of the spot.
BTS moments from the 30 second spot, shot entirely remotely in January 2021.
Creative Director Noemie Le Coz, Little Troop Motion Graphics Little Troop Director Bine Bach DP Kevin Hayden Set Design Alicia Sciberras Production Deb Rosen, Disco Meisch
Blowing up the best of customer testimonials, for Billie.
Art direction and titles for Billie’s 2019 testimonials ad, directed by Emma Westenberg. Shot in LA, LT helped craft every moment of the 30-second TVC — from casting to titles — with an aim to bring to life real online customer reviews of the internet's favorite razor.
Creative Directors Noemie Le Coz, Little Troop Art Director Katie Minchak Director Emma Westenberg Head of Production Deb Rosen
See more LT Projects