Little Troop was commissioned by Nike to improve education and resonance amongst new sportsbras and tights customers — with an aim to broaden its target audience from traditional athletes, to women of all activity levels. Our aim was to position the product as part of women’s everyday active (and often not-so-active) lifestyle, with relatable imagery that expanded the brand’s representation of women to reflect a more “real life” depiction of its customer.
- Art/Creative Direction
- Campaign
- Copywriting
- Digital Design
- Strategy
Creative Direction for Nike Women's Winter '21 Sports Bras and Tights Campaign — shot by India Sleem, in New York City.
Little Troop created a campaign rulebook that detailed visual and copy guidelines for the campaign rollout — including graphic tagline treatments to reflect the compact, tight, “like a hug”' key offering of the bras and leggings product. Visual expression guidelines, logo lock-ups, typography, color, graphic elements and photographic treatments were also covered.
In addition to the campaign photography, Little Troop led the campaign graphic identity, copywriting and overall storytelling approach — working out ways to speak in her language, show her people, and help her find the perfect fit, quick.
“Juicy” close crops of product were paired with our pulled-out lifestyle assets — with a focus on material, fit and feel to bring customers closer to the real thing.
Bringing in real quotes from our talent, the campaign rolled out globally across, highlighting how each product support level fit into their everyday lives.
Little Troop commissioned India Sleem as campaign photographer, selected for her ability to depict real, human-centered stories.
We shot in everyday locations like the corner grocery store, and styled with everyday outfits — creating a backdrop for our casting and product that gave our audience cues they would relate to.
Creative Direction Little Troop Nike Team Christoper Gray, Kim Luis, Chloe Dahlborg, Salina Clark. Stylist Herin Choi Hair Kelsey Morgan, Rachel Hopkins Makeup Stevie Huynh Props Rosie Turnbull Production Deb Rosen, Liebling
See more LT Projects